2012 Where History Ends part 3

2012 Where History Ends
The fire of righteousness is burning with Michael in this interview while he burns away the dross of modern ignorance. Here are the topics that he covers: Shattering the disinfo on 2012 - Pluto Alignment with Galactic Center 2006-7 - Rising World Chaos - The Real War Against Terror - Big Brother, and the Orwellian Draconian NWO - The Prophecy of the Maya - 2012, The "Roach-Cleaner" on its way - Freak Behavior of Animals Worldwide - The Toxic Earth-Grid - The Paranoid Society - Giving Your Power Away - Pseudo-New Age Shamanism - Politics, "Re-Arranging Furniture on the Titanic" - Solution-Think/Emotional Cleansing - Arrival of the true Holy Spirit.

2012 Where History Ends part 2

2012 Where History Ends
The fire of righteousness is burning with Michael in this interview while he burns away the dross of modern ignorance. Here are the topics that he covers: Shattering the disinfo on 2012 - Pluto Alignment with Galactic Center 2006-7 - Rising World Chaos - The Real War Against Terror - Big Brother, and the Orwellian Draconian NWO - The Prophecy of the Maya - 2012, The "Roach-Cleaner" on its way - Freak Behavior of Animals Worldwide - The Toxic Earth-Grid - The Paranoid Society - Giving Your Power Away - Pseudo-New Age Shamanism - Politics, "Re-Arranging Furniture on the Titanic" - Solution-Think/Emotional Cleansing - Arrival of the true Holy Spirit.

2012 Where History Ends part 1

2012 Where History Ends
The fire of righteousness is burning with Michael in this interview while he burns away the dross of modern ignorance. Here are the topics that he covers: Shattering the disinfo on 2012 - Pluto Alignment with Galactic Center 2006-7 - Rising World Chaos - The Real War Against Terror - Big Brother, and the Orwellian Draconian NWO - The Prophecy of the Maya - 2012, The "Roach-Cleaner" on its way - Freak Behavior of Animals Worldwide - The Toxic Earth-Grid - The Paranoid Society - Giving Your Power Away - Pseudo-New Age Shamanism - Politics, "Re-Arranging Furniture on the Titanic" - Solution-Think/Emotional Cleansing - Arrival of the true Holy Spirit.

Russian Rockets The Engines That Came In From The Cold

Russian Rockets The Engines That Came In From The Cold

Join the search to find E.T.

Join the search to find E.T. This scientific experiment uses Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. You can participate by running this free screen saver, which downloads and analyzes radio telescope data when you're not using your system. Your results will be uploaded automatically to the University of California at Berkeley the next time you are online, and new data will be downloaded for your next task.

This latest version (3.08) fixes a potential buffer overrun in the networking code of the client.

Note for Windows XP users: If you upgraded your OS from an older version of Windows, you may have trouble running an existing installation of SETI@home.

Download, install and run the BOINC software used by SETI@home. When prompted, enter the URL: http://setiathome.berkeley.edu

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London UFO seen over Big Wheel

A very good hoax but imagine you were walking along and saw that, What would you do ?


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